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 Skins vs cowboys

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Join date : 2013-08-05

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PostSubject: Skins vs cowboys   Skins vs cowboys Icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2013 8:33 pm

Cowboys and I wanted to play today, been texting him all day, no reply
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Join date : 2013-07-31

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PostSubject: Re: Skins vs cowboys   Skins vs cowboys Icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2013 11:11 pm

when did you text him and when/what was his last reply? Thats why I created this section on the forum.

Scheduling Complaint Form:

Advance will be every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. An Advancement email will be sent every morning of advance. The three main means of contacting an owner are email, text, and groupme. It is expected that every owner reach out to their opponent the day of advance, please do not wait until the night before advance to try and schedule a game. We all have different schedules and responsibilities, effective communication will be key.

Below if the form to be used in the event that there is a scheduling issue. Please note this is the only means of making a formal scheduling complaint. Also note that if you can not show proof that you made an effort to contact your opponent day 1, the complaint will hold considerably less weight.

Topic of the post should include wk and game. example: WK2 Falcons vs Saints
Body of post should include
- time and proof of original contact.
- result of contact if any

Once a formal complaint has been posted, someone on the commish staff will attempt to rectify the situation. If your opponent can not be reached by approximately 9pm est, night of advance they will be put on auto.
*3 unexcused sims/missed games will be grounds for removal from the league
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